Free online course on Business Communication by the University of British Columbia

Opportunity Detail

  • Language Requirement Not required
  • Gender MaleFemale
  • Level Non-Degree /Short program
  • Medium of Instruction English
  • Opportunity ID 65524
  • Duration 6 weeks

Opportunity Description

This course is part of the Business Fundamentals Professional Certificate program, and it will improve your writing, presentation, and interpersonal communication skills. Numerous insightful hints and techniques that have been refined by research and real-world application will become apparent to you.

You will select a few strategies to improve the impact, lucidity, and conciseness of your message. By the end of the course, you will be able to communicate with a variety of audiences and approach all forms of communication strategically.

Brief Details:

  • Provided by: edX
  • Host Institution: University of British Columbia
  • Course Start Date: Available Now
  • Duration: 6 weeks, 3 to 5 hours weekly
  • Subject: Business and Management
  • Type: Online Course
  • Eligible Nations: All (Except: Iran, Cuba, or the Ukrainian)

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When this course is over, you will be able to:

  • Create arguments that make sense and are based on the best available evidence.
  • Communicate professionally and with effectiveness.
  • Determine which communication styles work best with different audiences.
  • Create a variety of effective and well-written supporting business documents in order to enhance communication.

You have the option of paying $150 or taking this course for free. The advantages of paying are as follows:

  • Full access to the course contents.
  • A shareable certificate is produced at the conclusion.
  • Assignments and tests with grades.


  • Regretfully, students who hold citizenship in any of these countries or regions—Iran, Cuba, or the Ukrainian portion of Crimea—will not be permitted to enrol in this course. Even though edX has requested for permissions to provide their courses to students in certain countries and regions, the licenses they have obtained from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) do not allow them to offer this course in these places. edX regrets that the restrictions imposed by the United States prevent them from offering all of their courses globally.

How to Apply?

Click the “apply now” button below and log in to submit your application.


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Visit the official edX website for additional information about the University of British Columbia’s free online course on business communication.

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