USIP Peace Scholar Fellowship Program in the U.S

Opportunity Detail

  • Language Requirement Not required
  • Gender MaleFemale
  • Level ResearchNon-Degree /Short program
  • Number of Opportunity: 18
  • Eligible Region/Countries

    All countries

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  • Medium of Instruction English
  • Field of study Conflict management, peace-building, and applicable security-related studies
  • Opportunity ID 58761
  • Funding Type Partially Funded
  • Duration 10 months

Opportunity Description

In collaboration with the Minerva Research Initiative, the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) has announced the Peace Scholar Fellowship Program in America. This program is a non-residential fellowship for Ph.D. applicants in U.S. universities. Master’s and bachelor’s degree graduates are not eligible to apply for this fellowship program.

Candidates from under-represented groups in international relations, peace and conflict studies, security studies, diplomacy, and global policy-making can apply for the Peace Scholar Fellowship program. This program supports the candidate’s research and writing stages of work on dissertations. Applicants writing their doctoral dissertations on conflict management, peace-building, and relevant security studies are highly encouraged.  


Deadlines: 1 September 2022 for registration, 18 October 2022 application deadline 

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Organization: United States Institute of Peace

Gender: Male/Female

Funding Type: Partially-funded 

Degree: None  

Number of Positions: 18 

Eligible Countries: All

Duration: 10 months 

Language Required: English 

Fields of study: Conflict management, peace-building, and applicable security-related studies


Participants applying for the USIP fellowship program will receive 20,000 USD for the academic year, besides mastering their skills, research and completing their dissertation.

Eligibility Requirements

Scholars who want to apply for this fellowship should meet the following criteria:

  • Candidates should carry out their work at their universities or other appropriate research sites 
  • Candidates must participate in the annual Peace Scholars Workshop each autumn
  • Candidates participate in a virtual round-table discussion 
  • Submit the report of their dissertation quarterly to be signed by the dissertation adviser 
  • Submit the updates of their newsletter for the USIP Peace Scholar
  • Scholars should submit a copy of their completed dissertation to USIP
  • Scholars should submit a copy of any article, book, or other publications resulting from the program. 
  • Applicant should complete the following sections and answer the questions: 
  1. Contribution: The applicant should answer the question and write in 400 words what is innovative about the research, what contribution the project makes towards advancing conflict management, peace-building, and related security studies, etc.
  2. Relevance: Write in 400 words how your dissertation intersects with the USIP’s and Minerva Research Initiative’s mission.
  3. Research Integrity: Explain in 500 words how you will analyse the evidence to test your hypotheses or answer your project’s questions
  4. Work plan: You should have a clear timetable, including the completion date of your dissertation, written in 500 words. 
  5. Personal statement: Tell the selection committee in 300 words who you are? Why are you a desired candidate for this fellowship? What do you expect to gain after this fellowship?
  6. Project summary: Applicants should concisely and clearly state their dissertation hypothesis in 400 words. 
  7. Corona research plan: Write in 200 words about how you intend to conduct your research during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Note: USIP considers applications closely relevant to the USIP Issues Areas or Minerva Research Initiative. 

The proposed research in the areas of strategic rivalry, violence, and extremism in fragile states, global shocks, and American peace-building are strongly considered.  

How to Apply

Applicants who want to apply for the Peace Scholar Fellowship program should submit their application form by completing the following sections:

  1. A confirmation of your eligibility that proves you are a Ph.D. candidate. 
  2. Applicant’s personal and contact information 
  3. Letter of recommendation 
  4. Bibliography 
  5. Curriculum vitae  
  6. Optional links to your publication 

Apply Now

Applicants who wish to apply for the Peace Scholar competition should complete the two steps below:

  1. Registering for a FLUXX account as follows:
    • Open the FLUXX registration page here.
    • Click “Register for an Account” button on the right side of the application page.
    • Select “Peace Scholars” as the competition type
    • Indicate whether you would like to get admission for either a USIP-funded Peace Scholar fellowship or a Minerva-funded Peace and Security Fellowship, or no preference.
    • After completing the form, select “Submit Request.” Once you submit your request for this opportunity, you will get a confirmation email from FLUXX, including your username and password. 
  2. Creating and submitting the Peace Scholar application:
    • Open the FLUXX application page here.  
    • Write your username and password from your FLUXX confirmation email.
    • Click “Draft Applications” in the left toolbar to create a blank draft application.
    • Begin filling out the information in the draft application. Remember to save your work often. 
    • Submit your application. Remember to check it before submitting it because it is not editable after the submission.  

 Find More Fellowships 

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Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research 2023-2024 (up to $60,000)

2022 Tarbell Fellowship for Young Journalists in the UK

For any inquiries regarding the USIP Peace Scholar Fellowship, please email [email protected]. 

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