UNICEF Flex Yang Visiting Research Fellowship in Italy for Researchers with Disabilities

  • Fellowship
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  • UNICEF posted 1 year ago
  • Posted: May 30, 2023 -Accepting applications

Opportunity Detail

  • Gender MaleFemale
  • Level ResearchNon-Degree /Short program
  • Eligible Region/Countries


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  • Medium of Instruction EnglishFrenchSpanishArabic
  • Field of study Various
  • Opportunity ID 31444
  • Funding Type Fully Funded
  • Duration 6 Months

Opportunity Description

UNICEF Innocenti in Italy is introducing the Flex Yang Visiting Research Fellowship program offering established and early-career academics the opportunity to conduct research for six months. In this first open call for applications, UNICEF focuses on the crucial topic of children with disabilities in the context of Inclusive Education, positioning with the goals of UNICEF.

UNICEF encourages researchers from institutions and universities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to apply for this six-month opportunity in Florence, Italy. The office highly values diverse perspectives and experiences.

Mr. Flex Yang is the generous funding body behind the visiting research fellowship program. He provides a stipend for researchers to improve their research portfolio, focusing on areas relevant to UNICEF’s work for children with disabilities.

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All reports and researches show that research lacks many areas representing critical programming and policy themes. All need important documents to improve participation and inclusion in education in Low and Middle-Income Countries. Some critical evidence gaps are observed in the followings:

  1. What is a disability-inclusive education system? What does it mean to study an education system through a disability-inclusive lens? What are the inferences for children with and without disabilities and those with multiple identities, including intersections with biological sex, gender, race, ethnicity, and language?
  2. How are Article 24 and General Comment 4 adapted and conceptualized across local cultures and contexts in LMICs?
  3. What methods and approaches successfully support educational accomplishment for children with disabilities in inclusive settings?
  4. How to make digital and no/low-tech approaches to learning assessment disability-inclusive?
  5. What roles do specialized learning practices have in transitioning from separated to inclusive education systems and individualized learning support?
  6. What resources should we allocate to enable the implementation of disability-inclusive education systems, including reasonable accommodation, Assistive Technology, and UDL, and the cost needed to transition from existing
  7. How can learn materials, including MOOC and digital learning tools, be used to be more disability-inclusive for various disability types?

Applicants should review the above materials and develop their proposals, including any intersections with other themes in the EGM. All applicants should pay particular attention to how their research will engage with children and youth with disabilities.
Applications from across the globe, and particularly from researchers at universities and research institutions from LMICs, are welcome.

Brief Details of the Fellowship

  • Application Deadline: 23 Jun 2023 (EDT)
  • Job No: 562083
  • Position Type: Fellowship
  • Location: Italy
  • Division/Equivalent: Program
  • Fellowship Unit: Florence, Italy
  • Department: Innocenti-Global Off Research and Foresight
  • Categories: Education, Knowledge Management
  • Eligible Countries: All
  • Organizers: UNICEF Innocenti
  • Target Groups: Established and early career academics

Fundings and Facilities of Flex Yang Visiting Research Fellowship

Fellows can stay at the UNICEF Innocenti office in central Florence, Italy, for a maximum of 6 months of the Flex Yang Visiting Research Fellowship for Researchers with Disabilities. The program is typically available with the option of part-time instead of full-time relocation to UNICEF Innocenti.

Funding Options Based on a Stipend:

  • $3,500 per month per person with a maximum attendant with experience for up to six months
  • Flights included in the Stipend or by the applicant’s university or research institute
  • Medical insurance
  • Any extra Reasonable Accommodation costs are available from UNICEF, subject to case review. Applicants in confidence can express their requirements for Reasonable Accommodation and access in their Expression of Interest.
  • UNICEF Innocenti provides nearby offices, including the minimum requirements of accessibility for an inclusive workspace. UNICEF offers many benefits in the working space, including breastfeeding breaks and RA for persons with disabilities.
  • Fellows also have DISABILITY CONNECT, a fully independent network comprising just UNICEF employees and contracted individuals with disabilities. Also, the fellows will have a confidential space to voice concerns, ideas and provide feedback.
  • Fellows will also have accessible restrooms on all floors, and the office entrance and elevator will be accessible.


  • All applicants should note that the working language of the office is English.
  • This position is only available for researchers with a disability and is in early to mid-career, which means a minimum of eight years as a professional researcher or a

Expected Results from the Flex Yang Visiting Research Fellowship

Researchers can expect the following criteria:

  • Fellows will spend time on their disability-focused research projects at UNICEF Innocenti but also involve and contribute to the intellectual environment of their office. They will work on developing the Platform for Children with Disabilities and the Global Research Agenda, establishing contacts with researchers, and participating in seminars, workshops, and peer-reviewing research products.
  • Fellows should submit proposals through the submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) for specific deliverables while based at UNICEF Innocenti. These deliverables include joint papers, research proposal writing, grant submission, evidence synthesis products, partnership development through support to convening, and many more.
  • The scope and nature of deliverables are agreeable during the development of any final agreed contract of the selected Fellow. This agreement allows the program to meet the fellows’ and their home institution’s specific and everyday needs while adding value to UNICEF’s work for children with disabilities.
  • Fellows will have office space and essential administrative support functions, Reasonable Accommodation (RA). RA will include assistive products and technology, sign language interpretation, or personal attendant costs to enable working in the Innocenti office. UNICEF will review the application for RA by a dedicated team on a case-by-case basis. Applicants should mention their requirements during the application process for the Fellowship. Every applicant can confidently ask any inquiry.
  • Applicants with ongoing research projects receiving funds from other sources can expect to continue receiving those funds to support their work; Please note that no extra monies are available over and above the Stipend or any provisional monies provided under the RA Fund.
  • The minimum time for the Fellowship is three months, and the maximum can be up to 6 months.
    Fellows will live in Florence during the Fellowship period to participate in the UNICEF Innocenti research activities.
  • Fluency in English is a must. Also, knowledge of other UN working languages is an advantage. These languages include Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish.
  • Fellows will not receive health insurance and should sign UNICEF’s Terms and Conditions as part of the contracting process.

Who Can Apply for the UNICEF Flex Yang Visiting Research Fellowship?

All individuals that meet all of the following conditions can apply for this fellowship program:

  • Applicants can hold the nationality of any country
  • They can be an established or early career researcher with at least eight years of work experience.
  • Must be proficient in English.
  • This opportunity is for researchers with a disability.

Competencies Required for this post include the followings:

  • Builds and maintains partnerships
  • Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness
  • Drive to achieve results for impact
  • Innovates and embraces change
  • Manages ambiguity and complexity
  • Thinks and acts strategically
  • Works collaboratively with others

During the recruitment process, UNICEF will test candidates following the competency framework. All applicants should familiarize themselves with the competency framework and its different levels: competency framework here.

How to Express Interest?

Applicants can submit their Expressions of interest (EoI) for Flex Yang Visiting Research Fellowship for Researchers with Disabilities till 23 June 2023. UNICEF Innocenti will review and evaluate all applicants based on the followings:

  • Qualifications
  • Motivation/interest
  • Monthly rate
  • Relevance to UNICEF’s work
  • Whether accommodation premises is possible during the suggested period of stay

Interested applicants should provide the following materials:

  • A motivation letter stating the applicant’s interest and background, research ideas, the field of specialization, desired timing and duration of the Fellowship, what the applicant hopes to get out of the Fellowship, and any other conditions the office should know.
  • In the letter, applicants must mention their request and requirements for Reasonable Accommodation (RA).
  • Applicants’ full Curriculum Vitae
  • Two letters of support from professionals familiar with their
  • The proposal of the research the applicant predicts working on under the Fellowship Program includes clear, provisional deliverables with 2-4 pages, single-spaced, 12-point font.
  • Applicants should also indicate their desired monthly Stipend (up to 3,500 $USD per month).
  • Candidates should include their full name, address, phone number, and email address on all attachments.

How to Apply?

All applicants should complete the online application form by entering the link below.


Apply Now


More details about the UNICEF Flex Yang Visiting Research Fellowship are available on the official UNICEF official website.


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