UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence 2024 ($100,000 Prize)

Opportunity Detail

  • Language Requirement Not required
  • Gender MaleFemale
  • Level Non-Degree /Short program
  • Eligible Region/Countries


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  • Medium of Instruction English
  • Opportunity ID 80005

Opportunity Description

UNESCO asks individuals, including civil society actors, governments, and non-governmental organizations, to nominate candidates for the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Nonviolence in 2024. UNESCO will accept nominations for changemakers who are taking substantial action to promote peace and tolerance in societies around the world.

In commemoration of the 125th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth and the United Nations Year for Tolerance, the Prize was founded in 1995. Additionally, the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance was adopted by UNESCO Member States in that same year. It is named after Madanjeet Singh, a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and its donor.

Its goal is to honor people, groups, organizations, or non-governmental organizations that have shown initiative in advancing nonviolence and tolerance.

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Quick Details:


  • A special event conducted at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris marks the International Day for Tolerance (16 November), when the winner is rewarded with the sum of US$ 100,000. This award is given out every two years.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • To suggest candidates for the 2024 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence, persons, including members of civil society and governmental and non-governmental organizations, are invited by UNESCO.
  • Proposals for change agents who are spearheading significant initiatives for tolerance and peace in cultures across the globe will be sent to UNESCO.

How to Nominate?

Nominees must submit the nomination form in either English or French to the contact listed below by ordinary mail or email by July 22, 2024, at the latest. The nomination form may include additional materials (publications, audio, video, and other instructional resources, etc.).

Please send it, properly signed and stamped, by mail or email to:

  • Ms Anna Maria Majlöf
    Secretary of the Prize
    Social and Human Sciences Sector – UNESCO
    7 Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP FRANCE
    +33 1 45 68 17 70
  • [email protected]

After entries are reviewed by a jury, candidates will be contacted if more information is needed.

Similar scholarships:

For more details, kindly refer to UNESCO’s website.

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