The Globethics Youth Leadership Award 2024 in Switzerland

Opportunity Detail

  • Gender MaleFemale
  • Level Non-Degree /Short program
  • Number of Opportunity: 3
  • Eligible Region/Countries


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  • Medium of Instruction English
  • Field of study Ethical Change
  • Opportunity ID 79165
  • Funding Type Partially Funded

Opportunity Description

The Globethics Youth Leadership Award applications are open to Young leaders aged 18-30 worldwide. This award aims to recognize and empower young leaders worldwide who drive positive, ethical change in their communities, institutions, societies, and beyond.

Launched in Globethics’ 20th Anniversary year, this award seeks to foster ethical leadership for a just, inclusive, and sustainable world, aligning with Globethics’ strategic priorities for 2023-2027.

The Globethics Youth Leadership Award offers a unique opportunity for young leaders to gain recognition, financial support, and mentorship to develop further and scale their initiatives for positive ethical change. Apply now to be part of this transformative journey!

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Key Details and Dates

  • Application Deadline: May 10, 2024
  • Result Announcement Dates: June 10, 2024 (announcement of three finalists)
  • Final Presentation: September 2-4, 2024 (Global Ethics Forum in Geneva, Switzerland)
  • Initiatives Implementation Period: September 2024 to May 2025
  • Documentary Production: January-May 2025
  • Submission Deadline for Reports: June 30, 2025
  • Funding Type: Financial and mentoring support
  • Organizer: Globethics
  • Eligible Countries: All
  • Eligible Gender: Male/Female
  • Target Group: Young leaders aged 18-30
  • Focus Area: Initiatives related to Globethics priorities
  • Number of Opportunity: Three finalists selected
  • Host Country: Switzerland

Benefits and Prizes

The Globethics Youth Leadership Award will award the following prizes:

  • 1st Prize: USD 15,000
  • 2nd Prize: USD 10,000
  • 3rd Prize: USD 5,000
  • All winners receive a nine-month mentorship to upscale and multiply the impact of their projects.

Eligibility Criteria

You must meet the following requirements to apply for this leadership award:

  • Application is open to Individuals or groups aged 18-30 by the application deadline.
  • Initiatives must demonstrate real, proven societal impact and positive change related to one or more of the four ethics priorities.
  • Applicants should have a values-based approach and a commitment to serving the common good.
  • Initiatives must be designed and implemented by the applicant(s).

Required Documents

Please prepare and submit these documents for your application:

  • Completed application form
  • Photo ID
  • Concept note of the initiative
  • Link to a 2-minute video presenting the initiative
  • Two reference letters supporting the application

Selection Process and Criteria

Following are the selection process and criteria highlights that the jury will consider while selecting the winners:

  • The jury will select three finalists based on their applications.
  • Finalists present at the Global Ethics Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, from September 2-4, 2024.
  • Finalists receive mentorship to improve their initiative and development plan.
  • Popular vote during the Forum determines first, second, and third place winners.
  • Winners will receive one of the three awards.
  • Selection criteria include contribution to Globethics priorities, proven change, innovation, inclusivity, scalability, and replicability.

How to Apply?

  • Complete the application form and submit the required documents.
  • Download and fill in the supporting document template.
  • Finalists will be announced on June 10, 2024, and invited to present their initiatives at the Global Ethics Forum.



Apply Now



Further details about the Globethics Youth Leadership Award 2024 are available on the official Globethics website.



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NGFP Young Voices Award for Young People with Impactful Projects

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Yale Environment 360 Film Contest 2024 (Up to $6000 in Award)


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