Call for Proposals: EmPower Her to Advance Women Energy Entrepreneurs ($40,000)

Opportunity Detail

  • Language Requirement Not required
  • Gender MaleFemale
  • Level Nondegree
  • Eligible Region/Countries

    Least developed countries

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  • Medium of Instruction English
  • Opportunity ID 32948

Opportunity Description

Proposals for the EmPower Her to Advance Women Energy Entrepreneurs 2022 initiative are being accepted. EmPower Her request for proposals seeks to empower women energy entrepreneurs in underdeveloped countries by assisting them in closing the financial gap for early-stage projects, allowing them to repeat and eventually scale their efforts on the ground quickly. The Climate Investment Platform (CIP) will support ideas from (majority) women-led groups or organizations with a primary focus on women’s empowerment under this call for proposals. The projects should either directly improve the productivity of demand-side renewable energy consumers or provide a single instrument that combines value-addition and renewable energy generation.

Organized by: Climate Investment Platform (CIP)
Prescreening Application Deadline: April 8, 2022
Full Submission of Application by: May 27, 2022

Program Benefits:
  • The selected projects will get up to $40,000 in funding to expedite investment readiness preparations such as company development, feasibility testing, legal and technical requirements, and subsequent investor outreach.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Applicants from LDC nations that fall into one of three categories are eligible to apply:
  1. Developers in the private sector
  2. Universities and research institutes
  3. Non-governmental organizations
  • The most qualified candidates must be able to submit project proposals that include:
  1. Evidence of a positive impact on enhanced productivity for women-owned enterprises, women household entrepreneurs, or other employment transition and/or energy access for women
  2. Operate to be financially self-sufficient.
  3. Have the possibility for scalability and replication
Application Requirements:

Provide the following information:

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  • Project title 
  • Which country or region will the project be in?
  • Select the category that best describes the main project proponent ( the entity implementing the project).
    Private sector developer
    University or research center
  • Provide a short description of your proposed project
  • If the private sector, is the project majority-owned by women? If NGOs or University research center, does the primary purpose of the project focus on women’s empowerment?
  • Does the proposed project fall under one of these categories?
    Energy Efficiency
    Renewable energy access
    Cleaning Cooking & Fuels
    Other productive use of energy applications
  • Name & title
  • Organization
  • Contact Email
  • Phone Number
  • Website
How to apply?

Fill out the form to submit your project proposal for the EmPower Her Call for Proposals pre-screening. Answer all of the questions. Applicants that meet the pre-screening requirements will be invited to apply.

Prescreening Application

To learn more about EmPower Her to Advance Women Energy Entrepreneurs, please visit CIP’s website.

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