Afghanistan’s National Examination Authority (Exit Exam) Notice!

All candidates for the Medical Council exam and Master of Public Health program of Kabul Medical University (Abu Ali Ibn Sina) are informed that the distribution of their card and registration of their biometric information will be done according to the following timings.

Name based on initials:

ا، ب، پ، ت، ث، ج، ح، خ، چ، ع، م

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Card Distribution and Biometric Data Collection Date:

Upcoming Thursday (Sonbula 9th) BEFORE NOON.

Card Distribution and Biometric Data Collection Location:

Kabul University Gymnasium

Exam Date:

Friday Sonbula 10, 1402

Name based on initials:

……., د، ذ، ر، ز، س، ش، ص، ض، ط، ظ، ف، ق، ک، ل، م، ن، و، ه

Card Distribution and Biometric Data Collection Date:

Upcoming Thursday (Sonbula 9th) AFTER NOON.

Card Distribution and Biometric Data Collection Location:

Kabul University Gymnasium

Exam Date:

Friday Sonbula 10, 1402

Note: The exam fee is 500 AFN and will be collected on the biometric day.

Important Reminder:

It is necessary to have the original ID card or passport on the day of obtaining biometric information and the exam, and refrain from bringing electronic devices such as phones, watches, Bluetooth, calculator etc. on the day of the exam.

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